Completely Metered and Reasonable Monologuing

Man I am so sickk and tired of people midly inbconveinenceing gme what the hell

Cant they fucking see?? (no the cannot they havent eyes where they should be)

Im on the internet, I can say what I damn well please if you do not like the things I state go aahead and leave

Please dont leave Im so sad and lonely

Of course!

"Its" ((((OVER))))

He said it on twitter, thats that one site right?

Lesser known fact about about this yummy snack

Babey gurl if you were a dorrito Id eat so so fuckinsdaghr[lgk;erlgkg';l';el

Itss too fucking hot outside

I cannnot wait till its too fuckn cold outside

Who Knew?

Not Me

Oh so parabolic

Collective conciousness my ass, how could they possibly be thinking something different from what I am thinkingg


Holy shit dude I found this eggroll in my fridge

Id Love to think about anime and games all day but instead I have to think about why my parents hate me

If it aint broke, it is in fact not broken

4 Tera-bite Flopper! WHat technology!!

Spicy and delicious

OH FUG DOOD, I know I HAVE a geocites gif for this situation, just wait.. lemme hangon just

Just gimme a... hang on wait....... It's, no no thats not where it is..

uh.. um................................ OH yeah

Look they are 3D, they ARE REAL look!

Just because you yabba dabba can, yabba dabba does not mean you yabba dabba should, mr freg flinstain

Yabba dabba do NOT

Things I need to do:

• All

Things I have completed:

• Not Much

• Basically None

What a confusing arrangement that has been made