Welcome, to the world wide web side!
..𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮
The way the modern web + social media is structured has an uncanny tendency to isolate and drive people apart, but it doesn't have to be this way!
Take back the web!!! Make yourself a personal homepage, the world wide web is yours!
Don't give in to those corporate pigs who are turning the Internet into a cable TV equivalent.
..and if you want something just a tad more streamlined, but still have HTML control
Hello my beloved readers, I hope you've all been doing well. Here are some more things I've been up to recently.
Description: Experimental House + brain dance + breaks, Unhealthy doses of the DX7.
UPDATE: I ended up revising this album into this Lucid SysEx Overture
Description: Plundephonics and leftover improvisations. Mostly old stuff.
You can find both of those one my Bandcamp as well as the First volume of Slimebiance (which I made back in 2020). SKUMWERKS.V1 is also on most streaming platforms.
Some controllers / sequencers and this really neat turntable that has some variable speed control
I haven't gotten to finish anything super significant on it yet because I've been very busy with work, but so far I'm very excited for the possibilities these new pieces of kit open up for me.
07/23/24 Page updated! See the "stunning conclusion"
Changed double iframe mode to 'Jukebox mode', I feel like that makes a little more sense.
Made the 'bonezone woodgrain CRT' site theme a little less confusing , you use the tv sets buttons to navigate and they are now labeled, take a look.
Added a site theme!! It's a little Dx7 and PC-98 YM2608 arrangement i put together of The Petshop Boys "West End Girls". You can pause it anytime if it gets annoying. If you would like a non-volume adjusted version to download, CLICK HERE!
..and more to come
Thoughts on the GOD OF THE WIRE update:
As always I tend to mentally plan out things that are far to elaborate for me to act on and finish, so I always feel that could have done more with every thing I do. I hadn't made as many pages this update as I did the last, but I felt like the design was a little more elaborate at least. This time I am pleased to say that for this update all of the music is original. A special thanks to Diauglih for the music on the "Reincarnation" page and the "SKUM-Scraping" page, both of those tracks came from a jam session we did over the interwebs.
The format for my updates that it seems like I've settled on is that I make an update every year or so with web graphics and a few things to show, then slowly add more and more things to the site over the course of that year, so I don't get too burnt out. So be sure to check back every now and again or subscribe to my RSS feed to see all the new additions to the site. You can also always go and look at all the past updates with the arrows in the top corners.
Updates on my Personal life:
Unfortunately, a lot of bad stuff. Around the time of the last update, I was in the process getting away from a couple of people I was living with who were clearly taking advantage of me, my boyfriend, a bad situation and my good will.
In the wake of that drama my boyfriend and I separated. For those who weren't aware he was the one that ran BART-NET which was like the sister site to this one here on Skumsoft. Skumsoft was like our love child so I felt it wasn't really appropriate to keep his site up after we split (He also hadn't really updated it in quite some time anyways). I might repost some of the more impersonal things from that site here on SLIME-NET (with credit where credit is due ofc) just so they have a place to be.
I'm a slime right?, slimes are suppose to absorb stuff aren't they? You know maybe actually I won't tbh
But in summary I'm well past all that now, my mental health has significantly improved since those couple years of BS. I'm out on my own, I'm safe, free and self sufficient. I'll keep that Skum a flowin'.
Last Updated: 07/23/2024